Monday, February 13, 2012

this week in science #8

This week in science we did a project about cricket and Crawfish
we as to open the cricket for we can see the belly and what they got inside. The first you as to get a part then we as to get are animal then we as to open the animal for we can see what the crawfish and cricket .
The crawfish and cricket  are from the members of  Astacoidea and Parastacoidea . I was thinking that they going to have the same put did jot because they are diffident animal.

what i learned was that they come from the same family and the same place and they don't have the same belly. My idea was that they as to bring big animal. I am still unsure about the belly that cawfish gat because is different. I notice that they don't look the same. What i don't undertant was that they are difference color and they eat the same food . What i did between the crawfish and crawfish was  my group take one animal and then we open the animal i notice between the crawfish and cricket that they live in the same place but i think that they don't like each other

Friday, February 10, 2012

this week in science #9


This week in science we did a project about crawfish and  perch. First we slice the crawfish, so that we can see inside the belly. We have to name all the parts of the crawfish. Then we have to write what  we learned.  Then we open the perch and when look inside the belly we see the perch  pregnant and it had eggs inside.


This week in science I learned how to work in a group and how to open a crawfish and perch.  I learned
too that when you open the perch it smells bad and you have to open all the windows.

structures and function:  Nicolle and I opened the perch and the two other people opened the skate. The perch and the skate both have eyes, eggs in ovary  and the heart. The similarity of the eyes is that is little and then can see  in  the water but they live in diffrents place. The perch and skate have a heart

Saturday, February 4, 2012

this week in science #6

  Me and Nicolle have a crawfish we as to name the parts of the crawfish  we Dorsal view like every named form the crawfish part. The ventral view is that we as to name the fronts of the crawfish and the proximal location of the part of the crawfish  is the eye, antenna , restron e ye , carapace, uropod , cervical  groove  and legs. the environments of the craw fish is in the water the live they for thy can be a live. the craw fish  adaptation  really fast because is water i think bout the water a to be the same because they are different than the fish only a little big.t the feature of the is red if big leg and big antenna. the anterior of the craw fish , i don't know a lot about the anterior but i think that is when they are really old and how they look now on the future.

In this project  i learned  the part of the craw fish how  we cant open a craw and  look the differences of another animal  that i like about  this project was when we as to open the craw fish with Nicolle .  what i don't  did not undertant was that they got a lot of  poop . why they got all that they if they life in the water.  my connection between the crawfish and my other projects was the behavior  about the crawfish